You understand that having an estate plan is a good idea. You know that an estate plan ensures your property will pass to the right people at the right time. If you have young children, a good estate plan will establish who will care for them if you're not around. You probably also know that a good plan will allow you to have detailed instructions regarding your finances and medical wishes in case you become incapacitated. Finally, you know that a proper estate plan will assist in ensuring that taxes are minimized so that your loved ones receive more of the estate.
You know all of this, yet you still put off making your estate plan. Maybe you put it off because you don't think your estate is large enough or because it is uncomfortable to think about our mortality. Perhaps you simply put it off because you are busy and it seems too complicated.
Allow Mullins Law to help guide you through the process. We spend time understanding your needs no matter how complicated or simple. We will guide you through the process so that you are educated and confident as you prepare your estate plan.
We design and implement estate plans. Our mantra is: discover, design, develop, and deploy. Our mission is to create relationships, not transactions. Our promise is that we'll be there, as questions or issues arise, every step of the way.
Leaving Property
Protecting Property
Providing for young children
Planning for incapacity
Avoiding Probate
Minimizing estate taxes
Charitable Giving
Revocable Trusts
Irrevocable Trusts
Financial Power of Attorney
Healthcare Power of Attorney
Living Wills
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